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The first thing to do in 2019?

Things are valued in two times, before having it and after losing it”

Happy new year to the world, as we finally enter in 2019 and 2018 is gone and never will be back. The first thing we must do in 2019 is to settle the account of 2018 and be free from it. There were many ups and downs, rights and wrongs in 2018 in the life of every individual.

The first thing to notice is that we all are able to see 2019 and it is the first thing we should be grateful about, you heard about the deaths of many of your close ones but you were not one of them, you still have the opportunity to explore, work on and achieve the purpose of your life so be grateful about that.

The law of gratitude is accepted worldwide, and it is a universal law which states that “the more you are grateful about the things you have, the more you will get”. Let’s prove that with an example.

Suppose I have 2000 rupees in my pocket and I am lost in some unknown city where I went to travel. Now the situation is that I doesn’t know anyone in that city, I have no mobile phone, no internet and no transportation facility, now it is natural that every person in that situation will be very tensed but let’s see how the law of gratitude works. First of all I have 2000 rupees in my pocket and if minimum 100 rupees for food are enough for the survival for a day that means I can survive for next 20 days that also means that I can survive 20 days without begging and pleasing and I also can find a little job and earn my livings for 20 days and that’s the point that I should be thankful about. There are 20 more opportunities for me in that worst situation to survive, we all have much more than that.

Well I know that was an imaginary story and maybe the worst story ever, but the most important thing is that we all take the most valuable things like our parents, home, food and other liabilities which makes our life comfortable, for granted. Our life is a dream life for millions of those who are struggling day and night for a proper meal. So be thankful for what you have, be thankful for everything that is created to make your life better. This is what you must do in 2019 is to be grateful for what you had in 2018 and still have.

Be grateful for your parents, home, friends, food, clothes and more, because when you are grateful you will get more by the nature. Nature awards you what you value. The one who is always grateful is the one who is always satisfied, happy and successful because he knows that he has more than he deserves.

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