What is a habit?
Habit is the combination of repeated actions a person follows frequently, daily, or unintentionally, touching the nose/ hair while talking, bathing twice a day, and biting nails are the respective examples.
Origin of habits:
Habits are less created but
more adopted, a newborn baby who is born blank will adopt the habits of the
people in surrounding, he will adopt what he observes, that's why the child of
an aggressive person is more aggressive than the child of a calm person.
Habits are adopted unintentionally, as science says, you are an average of the
7 persons, you spend your most time with, therefore it's necessary to choose
Types of habits:
There are two types of habits:
1. Good Habits
2. Bad Habits
1. Good Habits:
Good habits are mostly
those which a person must create intentionally to make his life better. Good
habits are adopted unintentionally only at an early age when a kid is in an
adoption mode, once a kid became able to decide then it's his choice either to adopt
good habits or not, reading daily, praying, honesty are some examples are good
How to adopt good Habits?
Good habits are difficult
to adopt because we must adopt them intentionally by accepting the efforts, we
have to make for it, one can adopt good habits by visualizing the long term
benefit they will achieve after successfully adopting them.
Waking up early for Jim is
a good habit but most of us didn't adopt it because the body pain and suffering
from exercising is hard to bear. You have to consistently go for it and you
will get a little bit of transformation approximately after a year.
To adopt this habit, you must have a delayed gratification mindset. Imagine how
your body will look like after a year if you're fat now, imagine how better
your health will be, after deciding that you are ready for that pain, go for it
daily, and within a month, it would be easy for you to jump out of your bed and
soon it will become your habit.
2. Bad Habits:
Bad habits are those which
a person mostly adopts unintentionally, for fun, pleasure, or instant reward.
No one adopts bad habits intentionally, mostly people are either influenced or
forced emotionally to adopt the bad habit, it is adopted at every age and soon
it becomes an addiction.
How to quit bad habits?
Bad habits are difficult to
quit because people are attached to the pleasure they get after practicing bad
habits, one can quit any bad habits after realizing the fact that how it will
ruin your life in the long term.
Smoking is a bad habit in
which every second person is involved, you know that it will cause cancer but
the nicotine chemical in it, which activates pleasure hormones in your mind
forces you to have it.
To quit this habit, start buying a single cigarette every time you need it from
the shop which is a little bit away from your house, and doesn't use the vehicle.
In other words, make it tough to approach the bad habit, if you're having 5
cigarettes now, adjust in 4, after a week 3, then 2, and then 1. After a month
you can leave it and if you still urge, have it weekly but make it tough to
approach and within a few months, you will quit that bad habit.
Good and bad habits together make the personality of a person, it is your job to intentionally adopt or quit any habit. The best practice is to make it easy to adopt good habits and make it tough to approach the bad ones.