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The law of nature

As the law of gravity states that "there is a downward force applied to everything that is in the range of earth", due to which everything that falls, will fall downwards to the earth, similarly there is the law of nature which states that "you reap what you saw", it is not possible that you will get mango if you saw a poisonous tree.
The purpose of stating this is that the law of nature is also applicable in our daily lives which is that "you get what you give". The example of this is that it doesn't matter who you are if you don't respect anyone no one will respect you.
Every religion in this world accepts the law of nature that if you do good, good will come to you, so the best way to get something is to give that thing.If you want to get money, respect, honour give it to people.
The argument is that how we will get money by giving it, but that fact is that every person wants his own benefit so if you do something beneficial for others they will work for your benefit, otherwise everyone will leave you and join those who actually work for their benefits, this is for those who can return you with something like your colleagues, co-workers or employees but what about those who can't return you like poor people, there is the role of law of nature.
It doesn't matter you believe in God or not, if you help someone by any means the law of nature will be activated and you will get return. We all can relate it that whenever we do good for others we feel peaceful, useful, fulfilled immediately at that time. Is it a bad deal?
So I want you all share, it is not only money that we can share but share your little things like time, happiness, knowledge, wisdom and smile, because when you smile at at someone you will get a bigger smile as return.

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