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The Desire

Desire is the root cause of all the actions of a individual, the actions he/she takes all the day in order to achieve something he desired for. Every individual has the different desires form one another which are based upon their upbringing and their mentality. Some of the common desires are name, fame and money for the person and to achieve that a person works hard in his life.
Desire is the most powerful tool a person can have, the great discoveries like bulb, airplane, mobile etc are the results of someone’s desire and we all can develop that type of desire by asking the right kind of questions from our self, those questions are:
1.     What is my desire?
2.      Why I desired this?
3.      How I can achieve it?
4.      Is it beneficial for me and others?

After having the satisfactory answers of these questions you will know the importance of your desire and you will not make any excuse to not achieve it because it will addict you.
If the desire is constructive, is beneficial for you and everyone you may accept it and work to achieve it but if the desire is destructive and is harming someone you must avoid that desire because desire is the most constructive power if it is in right direction and the same desire is the most destructive power if it is in wrong direction.

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